In a world where vacations via airline flights and visits to local attractions has halted, we’re aiming to stay engaged and having fun at this sassy residence. While it has become difficult to alter our summer habits, caution and creativity are necessities. Four year old Sassy Pants forces the hand on constant fun.

Enter: backyard staycations.

Instead of traveling to our favorite spots, we’re recreating them at home. Themed food, movies projected on the wall – the planning and crafting bring excitement to each week. To brighten up our moving watching space and provide a place for our weekly concoctions, we made this backyard swag. It lights up the area and Sassy Sister is certain that the remote is her work phone.

You can purchase one through Etsy or make your own. I’ll post directions in a separate post, along with themed night details.

On with the day.

There are probably already legos all over the floor.